jeudi 22 octobre 2009

Ceci n'est pas un hoax

Message du MBA career services dans ma boîte mail à l'instant: "In an effort to prevent the spread of infection during this cold and flu season, we are encouraging students and on-campus recruiters to refrain from shaking hands during interviews and other recruiting events. "

La solution ? The handshake, with its potential to transfer the flu virus, should be replaced with the safer -- and more contemporary -- "pound," says the dean of medicine at the University of Calgary.
Instead of touching the surface of people's hands where germs lurk, the pound's brief contact of fists offers a more hygienic greeting that can prevent the spread of the flu, Dr. Tom Feasby said Wednesday.

"It's a nice replacement of the handshake because you can't just refuse to shake someone's hand. It's rude and seems almost un-Canadian," he said.

Moi, je sais pas trop ce que c'est, une "pound". Du coup, je pars au Yosemite grimper pour 10 jours, à défaut de faire du recrutement ! C'est encore plus efficace que le vaccin, non ? Il sont fous ces Américians....

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