jeudi 30 avril 2009


Et oui, après l'annonce de l'arrivée de l'épidémie sur nos luxueux campus, en grand pompe, voici déjà les premiers démentis:

"...But there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu among the MIT student population (...) MIT has seen one confirmed case of Influenza A–a general species of the flu virus whose many variants include the standard “human flu” as well as the “H1N1 virus” known as swine flu–but it was unlikely that the person diagnosed had contracted swine flu.

Thus far, the only two cases of swine flu confirmed in Massachusetts remain those contracted by two boys in Lowell, Mass. who are currently recovering from the illness after a recent trip to Mexico, The Boston Globe reported yesterday."

On nous avait pourtant bien prévenu, il y a 6 mois, de nous vacciner contre la grippe !

"A MIT Chinese student's roommate was diagnosed with swine flu yesterday and they're basically in quarantine to prevent the spread of it.  They go to MIT but live off campus in Boston so that means there are definite cases going around the area. Please be super careful now with washing your hands, any silveware, any kitchenware; don't share food or drinks with anyone. Just always be careful and think about your health before doing anything, especially since the semester is almost over and finals are coming. 

Be safe, be clean, be cautious!"

Et voila, la grippe porcine arrive dans nos contrées ! Je ne sais pas si l'étudiant suivant s'est amouraché du porc photographié ci-dessus, mais ce qui est certain, c'est qu'il est malheureusement au fond de son lit. Bon, d'ici à envoyer ce mail aux dizaines de milliers d'étudiants d'Harvard et MIT... Précaution ou "overreaction" ? L'histoire nous le dira (j'ai mon avis sur la question néanmoins).